Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Obama Wright Your Wrongs
It's either, Blacks walk in protest of Obama or Whites flee from Obama's Wrighteousness. My issue with Obama is simple: he must align with many pieces in a very obvious failed bid. Just another could have been, crushed by simple reality: racism exists and it dictates how people act and reacts towards each other. It's getting better all the time, but why in the heck did Barry Obama choose now as his moment? Why must he be a sacrifice on yet another altar? As VP with an viable older White female candidate, married to a well loved president it would have been a righteous ticket and a globe changing lock for 16 years. He would have fought with her every step of the way, and that's how it works best sometimes. For all their faults and fights, Kennedy and Johnson definitely enhanced each other. That he wouldn't deign? That he would basically bitchslap the biggest DNC fundraisers, take advantage of Clinton fatigue and collect castoffs like flies to his honey, says something to me of this man. I knew him before, and dreamed what his father dreamed for him. Something is off for him to be angered by Wright's most recent comments, ones you actually HEARD in the movie Barbershop. He's caught in the spin, and has been and is losing him.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Mend the Rift!
Hey NY Times, I just wanted to tell you Black People Love Clintons! That's my grandfather, may he rest in peace, with my grandmother and Bill Clinton. He came over and sat at our table for close to half an hour, just chatting about life, history and his wife. Jan, 2001: my grandfather's 75th birthday at Kincaid's in Redondo Beach, CA. He told me about visiting Hillary at UCLA, where I was currently enrolled, asked about Westwood and traded jazz favorites with my gramps. Till the day he died, it remained one of the best nights of my grandfather's life.
My grandmother, Clara (above) supported Clinton all the way to the California primary, till the desire to contribute to her generation's dream overrode her natural inclination to pick the most experienced candidate. It's my dream too, for blacks, for womens and for varying orientations, religions and cultures. But with both candidates being similar on so many issues, Obama's missteps with gays coupled with his mantle of "deserving the candidacy" in a most distasteful way. It reminds me of the last days of the Gore campaign in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Volunteer coordinating in the LGBT rich districts, I worked the streets and all it was then? I vote my heart, Nader is better on the environment, education, for people, for queers' And I'd argue back, hasn't a shot in hell to win dude. And sure enough, Gore could have used even the smallest percentage of those votes to become the most environmentally friendly leader of the free world. His policies would have been based in free market reality while introducing solutions only revealed with experience in the long struggle. The president of America is a "decider" for good or ill, I don't want an inexperienced candidate advised by the best. Not in this time, and not in this particular war.
To play the race card aka Black Voters are irrevocably broken with Clinton? Well that's fine, if I can call back BULLSHIT! I love the Clintons and believe the both of them contributed their lives to making our world better, and each made lasting contributions to racial equality in this country. Obama wouldn't be the candidate he is today without Bill Clinton's term. There are some Blacks, myself included, who love both Obama and Clinton. I dont understand why he's run on his own road at the expense of the many unmended rifts. A very young thing to do, dontcha think? (ducks).
Michael Dawson, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, posited last week at TheRoot.com that if Mr. Obama is not the nominee: “The Democratic Party will face the Herculean task of trying to mobilize its most loyal constituency — black voters — in the face of deep and widespread black bitterness and active campaigns in the black community encouraging black voters to defect or abstain. You can already hear the angry comparisons. Just like in 2000, the protests will go, an election will have been ‘stolen.’ ” - Rifts Mend, Unless Identity Politics is a Different Stripe
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Male managers dislike women negotiators?
In a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon economics professor Linda Babcock...The women evaluating the tapes said they were less likely to hire both the male and female candidates in the scenarios where they asked for more money. The men in the study, however, said they'd only be less inclined to hire the female candidate who tried to negotiate. They didn't penalize the male candidate for doing the same. - Jeanne Sahadi, CNN/Money senior writer
So here are some negotiating tips from Lee Miller, coauthor of "A Woman's Guide to Successful Negotiating":Time your move: Approach your boss with requests for a raise a few months before your review because by the time the review rolls around, chances are he or she has already settled on a number and gotten approval for it from on high.
Prepare: Compile a list of your accomplishments in the past year and new responsibilities you have assumed. And find out what the market pays for the type of job you have or seek. Networking with acquaintances at other companies or in professional groups, as well as checking salary surveys, can give you a good ballpark range.
Avoid the empathy trap: If it's true that women are more effective at work when they use a social style, then women can use their relationship-building skills to their advantage. "It's always harder for someone to say no to you if they know and like you," Miller said.
But it's just as easy for a woman to avoid asking for something for fear of jeopardizing her relationship with a boss. "It almost never hurts to ask. While you may not get everything you ask for, you will be amazed at how often you get most of what you want," he said.
Imagine you're negotiating on someone else's behalf: It's hard for everyone to negotiate for themselves, but women especially so, Miller noted. So pretend you're representing a client's best interests. "If you do your homework you will know what is fair and reasonable to ask for," Miller said. "Don't settle for less."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Rove gets Punkd
Honestly, it's just awesome.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Scenes of Heath cut from Batman?

Oh hell NO! I want as much glorious acting as possible, all the fans would. Unless, they use it at the end suggesting the Joker lives on and retire the character out of respect, that I could sob along happily too.
""My secret agent between the Armani suits saw a super private session for The Dark Knight and came out drooling.Source: Contact Music"It will be a great success, he guarantees, the gadgets... are crazy and Heath Ledger... delivered, got himself into the role and it's unrecognisable. There will be no other Joker after him."But the blogger claims audience members were a little taken aback by one scene,select to spoil and read---->) where Ledger's character plays dead "inside a body bag".
He adds, "It caused adverse reactions in the audience, for obvious reasons. It will possibly be cut. (I hope not!)"
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Celebrity SciFi Auction To Save A Life

Cool, dinner with Stargate Atlantis' Paul "Carson" McGillion & former Fireflyer, Jewel Staite is a reasonable but not too shabby $1,620!
All proceeds benefit Babz Chula, a well loved actress and mentor in the Vancouver community, http://www.babzchulasociety.org/page1.html
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Free Tibet, Boycott 2008 Games!
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Dalai Lama's special envoy told lawmakers Thursday that China must bear full responsibility for recent violence and suffering in Tibet and said his homeland is being "brutally occupied."...Since China's crackdown last month on the largest anti-government protests in Tibet in almost two decades, Gyari said, Tibet has become, "in every sense, an occupied nation, brutally occupied."...Gyari said the Dalai Lama does not support a boycott of the Olympics, which he believes could be a source of pride for ordinary Chinese. But, Gyari said, it would be "deliberately provocative and insulting" to Tibetans if the Olympic torch is relayed through Tibet.
YAY! Margaret Cho Reality Show!
I got the G-shot as part of my new VH1 show, "The Cho Show," which I am filming right now and it is so fucking awesome you are going to just scream when you see it – I am so excited! Anyway, the G-Shot is an injection of collagen into your G-Spot that is supposed to enhance any kind of stimulation there. It is for women who have limited sensation in their vagina, which is me. My puss is more clitoral than vaginal. I am more into the outside than the inside. I am more about display than content. Whenever I go to a party, I tend to hang out on the steps rather than in the house and I never go into the backyard. And to keep the party analogy going, I don’t even have a G-Spot, per say, one place where the party is all centered, but there are lots of smaller events happening all over the area. Mine isn’t a G-Spot. More like a G-Block Party. My pussy is a lot like Coachella. There are a lot of bands hanging around waiting to play. - Read the rest @ ONTDFabulous news, VH1's doing a Margaret Cho show woohoo. Cho just published a blog on myspace about it. Myspace promptly pulled its blog service due to this overwhelming demand for Cho service. (Seriously though, lot of downtime over there these days right?)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
A job I want

Pregnant Man on Oprah Thursday!
This is fabulous news, wonderful really! I've always thought that was a big step in true gender equality, men being able to carry children successfully. I hope it goes well for them, and they have a healthy happy child!

The "pregnant man" is speaking out about his decision to have a child – saying, "I'm a person and I have the right to have my own biological child." In a special exclusive featured in this week's PEOPLE and on Thursday's episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show, Thomas Beatie talks about the baby he and wife Nancy are expecting this summer. "If Nancy could get pregnant, I wouldn't be doing this," Beatie tells PEOPLE of his wife's hysterectomy. "Who hires a surrogate if they are perfectly capable of carrying their own child?"Beatie told Oprah: "I see pregnancy as a process and it doesn't define who I am. Ironically, being pregnant doesn't make me feel any more female or feminine."
And of course, they hate has already begun. Letterman's Top 10 last night insulted this family pretty frakkin well. "David Letterman's (and his ignorant writers') reaction was to call Beatie an "androgynous freak show." (Shakesville, bi way of bgay.com)