Sunday, October 01, 2006

Funny, Conan, Funny/End Of The Western World Watch

The Pakistani president claimed bin Laden is hiding in Afghanistan; the Afghan president said he's in Pakistan; and President Bush said, 'I like sprinkles on my ice cream.'
— Conan O'Brien
on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden

More like sprinkles on his whiskey.

BUSH'S BOOZE CRISIS (National Enquirer, 2005)


Venezuela official protesting treatment (9/26, Seattle P.I.)
Venezuela's foreign minister on Tuesday lodged a protest with the U.S. ambassador over his temporary detainment during the weekend at a New York airport.

A couple of reasons we can expect Chavez dead within the year...
(ripped from the San Fran Chronicle)

Chavez hosted Iran...signed more than 20 trade and investment deals

At this month's summit in Cuba of the 116-nation Non-Aligned Movement, Chavez emerged as heir apparent to the ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro...movement's members comprise two-thirds of the world's nations

Chavez has...huge oil revenues that will last for decades.

Chavez is pouring aid into Cuba and Bolivia, providing discounted oil to Caribbean and Central American nations, buying high-tech weapons from Russia and spreading Venezuelan wealth around western Africa.

Rescued Cuba's economy...In Argentina, he bought $3.1 billion in government bonds...allowing the government to pay off its debts to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

"I view him as a threat of undermining democracy," Bush said of Chavez in a Fox News interview July 31. "And I view him as a threat."


In August, the Bush administration created a position of intelligence chief for Venezuela and Cuba.

Government documents recently obtained by the Associated Press show that opposition groups have been receiving about $5 million a year through State Department channels. The administration has refused to disclose the names of about half of the groups, saying to do so would endanger their security.

Jeremy Bigwood, an analyst at the Center for Economic Policy Research, a liberal Washington think tank, last year sued the Agency for International Development, the State Department's foreign aid arm, arguing that all such recipients should be identified because the aid programs aren't part of covert intelligence work. A ruling is expected this year.
He's building up the rest of the world while the West is focused on the middle east. He's re-establishing working non-free market systems worldwide. Hmmm...maybe this should be filed under END OF THE WESTERN WORLD WATCH after all...