Fox recently rebroadcast some of the first season's episodes, and they were heavily bleeped. Do you think the material works better on a cable channel like FX?
Day: Sure, I think it works better on FX. If we knew we were going to get censored, we would have written the show to get bleeped during more intentionally comedic times. But unfortunately, we got bleeped when they deemed it necessary. Actually, a few of our episodes we couldn't even get on Fox. Which ones?
Day: Like, the abortion one. They basically said which ones we could and couldn't have on. We were grateful for the opportunity to put whatever on [Fox], so we didn't try to argue with them. So they were cool with the "Charlie Gets Molested" but not "Charlie Gets an Abortion"?
Day: Apparently, America doesn't have any problem with molestation. As long as those babies are alive, they're here for you to molest them. I guess I should add a disclaimer to this interview that the thoughts expressed here don't necessarily reflect those of TV Guide.
Day: That's probably a good idea...READ IT ALL IN ITS HILARITY