Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Dems Liable? How An American Left May Owe The American People, Actual Money

As a former collaborator with the Obama White House and someone who has met Joe Biden many times, it’s disheartening to see the noticeable differences in him today. Observations of his cognitive decline have raised significant concerns among many who have known him for years. This situation prompts an important question: Could there be legal ramifications for those who might be hiding the truth from the American public?

The Constitutional Responsibilities

Before delving into the legal implications, it's essential to understand the constitutional responsibilities of the President's staff, the Cabinet, and the Vice President.

  1. The President's Staff: The President's staff, particularly the White House Chief of Staff and advisors, play a crucial role in managing the President's day-to-day activities and ensuring that he is fit to serve. They are responsible for providing accurate information to the public.

  2. The Cabinet: Members of the Cabinet have a duty to advise the President and assist in executing laws and policies. They are expected to act in the country's best interests and uphold the Constitution.

  3. The Vice President: The Vice President's role includes stepping in if the President is unable to perform his duties. The 25th Amendment provides a mechanism for the Vice President, along with a majority of the Cabinet, to declare the President unfit to serve.

Potential Legal Implications

Given these responsibilities, let's explore the potential legal implications if it is found that these parties have colluded to hide President Biden's cognitive decline.

  1. Collusion and Concealment: If evidence emerges that the President's cognitive issues were deliberately concealed by his staff, Cabinet members, donors, and media allies, this could constitute a breach of public trust. Concealing such critical information from voters undermines the democratic process and the integrity of elections.

  2. Misrepresentation to the Public: The American people have a right to be informed about the true health and capabilities of their leaders. Deliberate misrepresentation or withholding of such information could potentially lead to legal action for fraud or breach of fiduciary duty.

  3. Constitutional Violations: The deliberate concealment of a President's inability to perform duties could be seen as a violation of the oath to uphold the Constitution. This could lead to calls for impeachment or legal actions against those involved.

Research and Precedents

  1. Historical Precedents: There have been instances in history where the health of a President was concealed. For example, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a severe stroke in 1919, and his wife and close advisors concealed the extent of his incapacity. However, such concealment has always been controversial and criticized.

  2. Legal Opinions: Constitutional scholars argue that the 25th Amendment provides a clear mechanism to address presidential incapacity. If those in positions of power deliberately avoid this mechanism, they could be seen as failing to uphold their constitutional duties.

  3. Public Trust and Accountability: Legal experts emphasize that elected officials and their appointees have a fiduciary duty to the public. Deliberate concealment of crucial information could be seen as a breach of this duty, potentially opening the door to legal actions from voters or public interest groups.


While exploring legal actions against those who may have concealed President Biden's cognitive issues involves complex legal and constitutional questions, it is a discussion worth having. Transparency and accountability are cornerstones of a healthy democracy. If evidence of deliberate concealment surfaces, it could lead to significant legal and political repercussions for those involved. The American people deserve leaders who are not only capable but also honest about their capabilities. The integrity of our democratic process depends on it.

This blog post, assisted by AI named Nao, delves into the potential legal and constitutional implications of concealing President Biden's cognitive decline. The analysis provided is a form of entertainment and a thought exercise, reflecting the opinions of Faith Cheltenham. It should be taken as an exploration of ideas rather than definitive legal advice or factual assertion.