Sunday, May 03, 2020



By thefayth, BiNet USA President
With additional edits/support from Juba Kalamka, BiNet USA VP

Bisexual communities have been notified of my intent to remove my networks, support and help from those who center white supremacy or practice trans exclusionary radical feminism. Simply put, I do not believe bisexual exclusionary communities (or beci's) to represent the bisexual community.

When I emailed, messaged and tweeted at "Jayne Shea" and messaged her last Tuesday, I did so because I'd seen Seattle continuing to thrive with TERF's, or people who exclude trans people.

It occurred to me, that the same group reported to BiNet USA for allowing cis only women was possibly closely associated with Jayne Shea; this has now been confirmed. And now the rest is history, Black-bisexual-intersex-trans history as I, thefayth, recently became more public in my transition from assumed cis female to known intersex trans multi-gender being.

Do the above personal statements, structural and procedural changes described above mean that BiNet USA is finished doing intersectional advocacy within bisexual communities? Absolutely not.

I, thefayth, Faith Cheltenham, have asked Juba Kalamka to step up into the presidency of BiNet USA; he’s agreed to begin serving on January 21, 2021.

Personally speaking I think, It's important to honor and join a legacy of many Black people disposed of in social justice, but keep in mind: this flushing was intentional. I don’t believe bisexual, or any ostensible LGBTQIA “communities” accept or celebrate trans, intersex, Black, and/or otherwise multiple marginalized people when all those checkboxes combine into real humans.

Many LGBTQIA community organizations, despite their protestations to the contrary, remain centers for the replication and assertion of overcultural dynamics of misogynoir, transmisogyny, ableism, ageism, sexism, anti-Blackness, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism/global white supremacy.

I take no part in it; meaning I reject the assertion that my presidency of BiNet USA or Juba’s must mean that we represent all bisexuals, as opposed to the most vulnerable bisexuals (and bi+ members who use different labels for their fluid sexualities).

If they have bread, if they have running water, or basic supplies in the time of the virus? That’s the work BiNet USA and myself remain committed to.

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