Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kim Wall: Woman Journalist and Hero, A Reading List

Recently shared with me...

"Let’s remember Kim Wall by the great journalism she did and the impact she made.

The Guardian

How Cubans deliver culture without internet
Ghost Stories: Idi Amin’s torture chambers
New York Times
Fairy Tale Romances, Real and Staged

Inside the Ugandan Mall at the Center of China's East African Investments
Tour Buses to Sri Lanka's Battlefields

Foreign Policy
When China’s Feminists Came to Washington

The Atlantic
A Tourist in North Korea
Sex and the Law in China: 'The People Will Pull, and the Government Will Follow'

  • Iceland Wins Hearts at Euro 2016 as Soccer's Global Underdog
  • The Magic Kingdom Meets the Middle Kingdom in Shanghai Disneyland
  • Haiti Sees Tourism Promises Fade Amidst Electoral Tensions

Slate - Roads and Kingdoms
Can this Tiny Island Restore Haitian Tourism?
Hunting the Hunters

Süddeutsche Zeitung
Wo die Welt gerade untergeht (Kapitel 1)
Amerikas vergessenes Atommülllager (Kapitel 2)

Retour à Haiti (4 episodes)

La Stampa
L’altra Haiti (4 episodes)

South China Morning Post (many links)

The Independent (three stories)

Interview on WNYC
The Crumbling, Leaking Radioactive Dome in the Pacific
