Work with your teen to schedule internet time, just like video game or phone call time; internet time can also be used as a reward for great behavior or good grades.
With so much adult content on the internet, prevent accidents by installing a "net nanny". Free (and easy to install) software, like K9 Web Protection makes keeping your kids safe but not "locked down" a breeze. When a site pops up that K9's not sure about, the screen will freeze until a parent enters a safety code. K9 will keep a list of all the sites approved or not, that way science class inquiries on breast cancer make it through along with chicken recipes -- you never know when your teen might surprise you with dinner!
Become friends with your! Join and add your teen as a friend; do the same with, or other social networks your teen has chosen to join. Recently, Myspace hit the news with their efforts to keep the under-18 crowd protected, and more parents are coming online too. Instead of tracking actions and new friends (30 year old guys in Minnesota add everyone!) use the status updates on Facebook to keep up with your lil wonder's latest trends. This way you'll know she liked "Slumdog Millionaire" before she even gets home.