5 tips to make your Miracle Fruit Party Miraculous!
1) Use Evite.com to send specialized invitations and include links to the New York Times Miracle Fruit story (NY Times) or to the store you're purchasing from (www.miraclefruitworld.com, www.miraclefruittab.com).
2) Ask that each guest bring an item to taste! With Evite.com all attendees can browse the offerings -- this way not everyone brings lemons, Tabasco sauce and olives!
3) Schedule your party during the after-lunch or after-dinner time of a weekend day, this way people don't fill their tum up with acidic or spicy foods! You can even include a note cautioning party goers to eat before they come as only "limited refreshments" will be available.

5) Consider freeze-dried Miracle Fruit or even Miracle Fruit tablets, they're just as good as the berry and last longer in the freezer!