Monday, February 26, 2007

Political Deathmatch '08: The Beginning

Gay Mafia

"Not since the Vietnam War has there been this level of disappointment in the behavior of America throughout the world, and I don't think that another incredibly polarizing figure, no matter how smart she is and no matter how ambitious she is -- and God knows, is there anybody
more ambitious than Hillary Clinton? -- can bring the country together." - David Geffen

This has purty much turned moi off Hilary for good. Geffen's a lil punk, love the gay godfatha even so...Hilary jumped to the fight, Obama slammed back, and how this all plays out should be a pretty good indicator of who's gonna get the nomination imho. it also could be a good indicator of the infighting that will be front page news allowing the pubs to keep the presidency, thoughts?

yes, the source is nytimes via perezhilton, i just can't get enough of bald britney going craaazy on the papz with her green umbrella.

personal dream? hilary gets dem nom, brownback gets republican and obama runs as an independent. part of me thinks he has a better chance get the vote from those who don't usually this way. but leaving the powerful DNC behind and not being associated with the DCCC could hurt. but this way all the money hilary has raised can still go towards congressional candidates and obama has a shot at president and changing the 2 party system.

that said, i'll vote against the republicans no matter what and i guess that's all that counts.

*oh yah, if you have time go lay your own bitchslap down here: