Opponents of gay marriage have collected 170,000 signatures in favor of an amendment to end the practice. But the measure needs the Legislature's approval to appear on the 2008 ballot, and lawmakers refused to vote on the proposal last month. Republican Governor Mitt Romney, who is expected to run for president in 2008, and other opponents of gay marriage responded by suing to try to force the lawmakers to act. - International Herald TribuneI fully expect Romney to use this as a wedge issue in '08, perhaps it's his best defense over being considered too liberal? Either way, I might stand by Obama even if he's against marriage and FOR civil unions...if it helps beat out a Red. Funny about the Red vs. Blue states, and the historical RED SCARE?
"Red Scare" has been retroactively applied to two distinct periods of strong anti-Communism in United States history: first from 1917 to 1920, and second from the late 1940s through the late 1950s These periods were characterized by heightened suspicion of Communists and the fear of widespread infiltration of Communists in U.S. government. - Wikipedia
Read about Operation Red Scare 2005, it should scare you shitless
Yesterday, March 1, the College Republicans officially and publically launched an anti-Devaney/Woon Slate campaign by creating a display case and locating it strategically in the highest pedestrian area of PSU. The display case had comparisons of the Devaney/Woon slate to communist leaders of the past, namely Stalin and Lenin. They were also listed as Devaney/Woon slate members along with Erin Devaney, Molly Woon, Mary Fletcher, Kayla Goldfarb, and Adas Lis. After much student complaints they altered the display case by removing the pictures of Lenin and Stalin and adding a large red hammer and sickle. They also tried to fit into university policy by advertising an event, which they were supposed to do in the first place. The event that they decided to advertise was the ''Ebony Ball,''a dance held every year by the Black Cultural Affairs Board and the Association of African Students. Once word reached the members of these respective groups, a large grouping went down and demanded that the flyers be removed because it misrepresents the mission and beliefs of the groups in questions. - Portland Indy Media