Mimi Says:
Just wanted to let people know about this holiday that is dedicated to us. I don't know if there are any events happening in your part of the world, but the Los Angeles bi group, which is now officially called A.M.B.I. (A Meeting of Bi Individuals), is getting together in Silverlake, which is a bi-friendly neighborhood in LA. We're all planning on wearing pink/purple/blue (or red/purple/blue) wristbands to make a political statement.It would be an even more powerful statement if people in other parts of the country wore the bi-colored wristbands as well. The rubber/silicone wristbands we're thinking of look like this and are very popular right now: http://www.wristbandwarehouse
With pride and solidarity,Mimi (a mentor of mine)
The concept of sexual orientation as an
is necessary if we are to understand a person's orientation properly in its entirety- bisexual.org via Klein. Points such as these deserve to be high lit by Miss Jolie (Flickr Set), no?
Online Klein test, I had the pleasure of informing Fritz Klein it existed, he was delighted and wanted the link for his own site. The movement will miss him...but the momentum of what he created, who he brought together and what he did...it's just really huge. Wwere not even a community 10 years ago, bastardkids of the LG(bt) and now it's quite a bit better.
Big thanks to those that lead on...
Anybody got a favorite bi site they'd like to share? Just wonderin...