Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Who's A Scared Lil Bitch? Ashton Kutcher That's Who!

February 07, 2006
Provided by: National Enquirer Online

It was a really... gurgle, gurgle ...scary experience... glug, glug ... for ASHTON KUTCHER, who got punk'd underwater by the air regulator on his diving gear during filming of his new flick The Guardian. Playing a young punk who joins the Coast Guard to train as a rescue swimmer, Ashton suggested using a double for his underwater scenes, but there were too many tight close-ups — so he gamely went underwater for a fight with a bad guy. During the struggle, Ashton lost his regulator mouthpiece — and panicked instead of popping it back in his mouth. Flailing wildly, he struggled to the surface and the crew pulled him out, shaken but unharmed. It took two hours — and emergency instruction from a stunt man — but Ashton finally mustered up the courage to dive and reshoot the scary scene!

Seriously, I woulda freaked out myself tho...