BIG NEWS: JOSS WHEDON GUEST STARS ON VERONICA MARS, WEDS NOV. 9th, 2005 9pm *UPN*From the beautiful insiders over at tvguide.com: Think of the trend as "once more, with feeling." This TV season Buffy the Vampire Slayer alums are proving there's more to life than slaying vamps. Here, their old boss, creator Joss Whedon, weighs in on his old gang's brand-new gigs.
Joss Whedon Cheers on Buffy AlumniHe's *mostly* right about Bones, it is NOT Angel at the FBI, though it's scary enough to almost be. After being annoyed by the pilot of Bones, I'm now willing to conceed that the show is WELL WORTH watching. I didn't dig the female lead at first, but the chemistry is good it's just really quirky.
Joss called Veronica Mars, "the best show ever". Season 1 of Veronica Mars is excellent, the pilot is one of the best things I've ever seen (cried like a baby)...
Lost: Veronica Mars? "I wish that the juggernaut that is 'Lost' wasn't our direct competition," says "Mars" creator Rob Thomas. "The flip side of that is UPN gave us their number-one time slot [after 'America's Next Top Model']. I just pray that the people with the TiVOs watch us and tape the other show, because we need it. |
"I've got friends who write for 'Lost,' and I say [to them], 'You don't have to suck much, just suck enough to lose two million viewers.'"Thomas' friends are writing partners Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis. Regarding Thomas' comments, Horowitz replies, "Eddy and I would be happy to respond. We love Rob. We LOVE 'Veronica Mars.' So we decided to run the 'just suck enough' idea past our boss, [executive producer] Damon Lindelof. He responded with what we think is a fair counter proposal. We will ship two million 'Lost' viewers over to 'Veronica Mars' ASAP. But on one condition ... Rob must rename the show 'Lost: Veronica Mars.' It's time to franchise up, bbby." |
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